Some of My Kids Favorite Toys

Hey guys! Some of you saw the bounce and spin puppy in this blog post on my Instagram stories and were asking me a ton of questions about it so I’m not only including it in today’s blog post but also adding a few other toys that my kids absolutely love! All the toys that I am mentioning are either meant for tiring them out so they take good naps, ha! Or to inspire creativity. Let me know what kind of toys you love to give your kiddos.

Bounce and Spin Puppy

So this bounce and spin puppy is the toy that inspired this entire blog post. As you can see from these photos of my kids – they absolutely love it! And I love it because it tires them out! Both of them will bounce and spin and jump on this thing until they are practically falling asleep on it. Even if you don’t want to learn more about kids toys, please just scroll and look at all the photos of them on it. I was literally laughing so hard I almost peed my pants when I first saw them! These two just crack me up. In the one directly below Molly just can’t believe how nutty her little brother is 😉

best toys for toddlers bounce and spin dog

best toys for toddlers bounce and spin dog


It’s been so nice to have this thing on days where it’s so hot that it’s too hot for all of us to go outside. You guys know I did a blog post a few weeks ago about activities to do indoor with your kiddos on super hot days. Well if I were to write that post today, I would include this Bounce and Spin Puppy for sure! It’s a great way to get them tired out like they would if they were playing outside, when they’re inside. In the pic below they are both losing their minds!

best toys for toddlers bounce and spin dogbest toys for toddlers bounce and spin dog

There’s also a unicorn version that I almost got instead, but since Molly and Riley both love puppies, I figured the dog would be better for both of them. If you read the reviews on Walmart’s website of this toy, I’m not the only one that’s completely obsessed with it! I was so shocked to see 80+ reviews on both the puppy version and the uniform version with people just ranting about it!

When I saw the reviews I was immediately sold and that’s what made me buy in the first place. Essentially I was looking for something to tire them out and found this. This photo of Molly and Riley below might be my favorite one of them all. I could not stop laughing when I first saw it. As you can see Riley is clearly not happy about Molly being on the puppy at this time. His face just cracks me up so much!

best toys for toddlers bounce and spin dog


Anyway I could honestly write an entire blog post about this dang puppy because my kids love it so much but there are a few other things I wanna talk about as well. All the toys in this post are from Walmart. They graciously sponsored this post so thank you Walmart! I’ve always bought the majority of my kids toys from Walmart. Some of you might remember this police cruiser that we bought Molly for Christmas this past year.

What I find out recently is that they have the largest selection of exclusive toys anywhere! Plus I’m just blown away at how quickly they ship things. When I ordered this, I am pretty sure I got it the next day. Maybe the day after, but I’m almost positive it was the next day. And I didn’t pay any special kind of shipping or anything. OK let’s get it onto the other toys!

best toys for toddlers bounce and spin dog

Rainbow Playdoh

Molly really loves Play-doh and I love it because it’s sparks her creativity and encourage her as her to use her imagination. Some of the things she makes with play-doh just blows my mind. The other day she made some thing and told me it was a trolley. I’m guessing she got that from Daniel the Tiger, but the fact that she actually tried to make a trolley out of play-doh was so impressive to me! And when she saw this one came in beautiful rainbow packaging she just about lost her mind with excitement.

I also feel like the rainbow package makes such a great gift! Especially if you are going to a rainbow themed birthday party!

rainbow play doh

rainbow play doh


Also, if you want an activity, here’s a post I did recently on how to make your own play-doh! And all the items can be found at Walmart too!

Melissa and Doug Birthday Cake (Plus the Unicorn Tea Set and Picnic Basket)

For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you know that Molly loves to have her daily birthday parties. If you’re new, welcome! Every day she celebrates a new party. Usually it’s her birthday party everyday, but sometimes she’ll have a party for Mr. Whale or her penguin or even one of the family members. But mostly it’s her birthday party! My birthdays in a couple weeks so I’m hoping she has a little birthday just for mommy.

Anyway, her birthdays revolve around this Melissa and Doug birthday cake. You guys might recognize it because we actually got it for her when Riley was born. It was Riley’s gift to her when he came into this world. We always told her how nice it was of Riley to give her a birthday cake on his birthday. I just think it makes a really sweet gift to your toddler if you bring a new baby into the house. And she has loved it every day since! I will also link her unicorn tea set here because that’s also a very important part of her party planning ha!

Some of the other things that is HAS to have at her party (as you can see from the photo below) are all the fruit and veggies from this picnic basket. She’s had it since she was 3 months old and still uses it all the time. Trust me, you want this picnic basket for you kiddo. They will get so much play out of it!

wooden birthday cake toy picnic


Real quick I wanna mention her outfit just because it’s ridiculously affordable and I just think it’s so cute. I love the little detail tassels. It’s super affordable at only $12 and she seriously wears it all the time. I know a lot of us are thinking about fall clothes, but at this price you might as well get it because I have a feeling summers going to be around for a while. At least in the southern states and in California. And since it’s such a great price, if it’s cooler where you are you can always buy it in the size that your child will be next summer. I’m all about stocking up for future seasons. Especially when things are such great prices.

wooden birthday cake toy picnic

Baby Shark Plushie

OK you know how I mentioned that the toys in this post were either mentally tiring for your child or to inspire creativity? Well this is the exception. Ha! I just had to get this when I saw it. It’s a baby shark pushy that plays the song baby shark. However, the song is only played as quickly as you move the sharks mouth. Riley doesn’t quite get it yet and is confused by it but Molly loves it. The faster she moves the jaw of the little shark, the faster the song goes and the slower she moves at the slower the song goes. At least it’s more interactive than the normal baby shark song playing on repeat. It’s also a great way for your kiddo to learn rhythm!

baby shark plush toys


Water WOW Books!

Awhile back I got one of these for Riley, but Molly kept taking it from him because she wanted to play with it so I got her one too! It’s great for when Molly is coloring and Riley wants to be involved, I can give him the Water WOW books and there is no mess.

There are tons of different versions of these books, which is great! It comes with a little “paintbrush” that you fill with water and then a book that has images that are activated when the water touches it. So when they draw with the brush, the page changes to color, and when it tries, the page is as good as new! I highly recommend these for traveling too, they are so easy for the kiddos to use on a plane or long car ride!

What Toys Do Your Kiddos Love?

Well there you have it, I hope you enjoyed this post. These are just some of my favorite things to give my kiddos and I was really hoping that you guys would share some of your favorite toys to give yours! Oh, and I really want your guys opinion on this playhouse. What do you think about it? I really love it and I’m wondering if I should get it for the kids for the backyard. I feel like it would encourage them to play make-believe and just have something with some shade in the backyard. Should I get it?


Update: I just found this 12 pound bag of kinetic sand and ordered it for Molly! It sticks together but not to your hands, so it is much cleaner to play with! She loves playing in the sand at school so much, and I wanted to get her something that she could play with a home. We plan on putting it in a big bin for her. I honestly think it is so cool. I had only ever heard of it in small quantities before, and it was super pricey and designed for adults, but I am so glad that they now sell it in bulk for kiddos!


19 Thoughts

19 thoughts on “Some of My Kids Favorite Toys

    1. I also second Lakeshore Learning as a great place to shop for kids, but we also love anything Melissa and Doug here! My grandkids play with the Melissa and Doug felt pizza and spend a lot of time ‘making’ the right pizza for each of us. Comes with lots of toppings! And Ali, yes to kinetic sand. I actually have replaced my play doh here with that for the grands. And I use the play doh tools and toys for playing in the sand. I put the sand on a tin pie plate for them to play with! My two little grandsons like running small construction vehicles through it to make roads and ‘move the dirt [sand] around’ as they use their imagination.

        1. I’m so excited for the kinetic sand to get here. I’m pretty sure it should be delivered today! Molly is going to have so much fun with it!

    1. Why would you say this to her? If you do not appreciate her blog then unfollow her. No need to be rude… there is enough of this on social media and it’s all unwarranted.

  1. Ali! Your podcast with Angela was so good! I loved that you had Krystal as your co host! I have been saying it for weeks… Angela would be the most perfect Bachelorette! She has the perfect back story…kicked off night one (how??), Screwed over by Eric then screwed over by Clay. I wish they’d let her on the next season of The Bachelor do she’d have a shot. Although ABC is always trying to do something new so she could be the “Arie” Bachelorette! The first one ever to not be pulled from the previous season.

    Here is my theory about Clay…it makes sense that he had struggled with his football career being over. And he’s worried about being able to provide for his relatives so he knows he can’t have a wife and kids at this time. That’s fine…why all the lies? Just be honest! Maybe he went on BIP hoping he’d be the next Bachelor (aren’t they paid $160,000)

    1. Thanks so much for listening to the podcast! Angela is such a sweetheart and from my brief conversation with her I can tell she has a huge heart!

  2. Magna tiles! My kids LOVED them when they were toddlers. Now that they are school age they love making houses out of them for their miniature figurines! Stickers, colorforms for windows or chalk paint for windows (washable) are other great indoor activities and work on fine motor skills….especially stickers!!!! My girls would spend hours just putting them on construction paper. There’s also great search and find activity sets with stickers too

  3. Hi Ali! I have two kiddos that are very close in age to Molly and Riley. One of their favorite toys right now is a push lawnmower that blows bubbles. They both absolutely love it! We also love our Little People House, wooden alphabet puzzle and blocks.

  4. Ali! Thank you so much for this post! I’ve been struggling with what to get my daughter for her second birthday to keep her entertained this winter while I care for a newborn. The unicorn/puppy and the water wow books look like great ideas! Would you mind sharing where the table set molly has her cake and tea party set on is from?

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