Can you believe it is April already? While at times March seemed to slowly pass by, I still cannot believe that we are already into our 4th month of 2020. I think it’s safe to say that most of us will be spending Easter at home. You might have seen my post about decorating inside your home and what we plan to wear for Easter, but I was thinking we all could use some good Easter activities for the day to make it fun for not only the kids, but for ourselves too!
Note: When I wrote this post today, I checked shipping on each item below and they all should arrive by Easter if you order today! Make sure to check delivery dates as you are checking out. Also, I am recommending some things to buy for Easter baskets, but also things that you can hopefully do with what’s in your home, like the Easter cake!
Easter Egg Decorating (With No Eggs)
I briefly mentioned this in a past post, but I think one of the things that Molly will be the most excited for and is anticipating is decorating Easter eggs. Riley will have fun with it too, but I know she’s the one looking forward to it. I was brainstorming the best way to decorate eggs, especially because there has been a shortage at the stores lately or when I do come across eggs they are the natural brown color which wouldn’t dye very well. You could use paint pens on them, but I think at this time it is probably better to save them for someone else that needs them for their weekly groceries! The more I’ve looked online, the more I have found great fake egg decorating kits! Some are wooden eggs and some are plastic. I love this set because it comes with the eggs, paint, and even some other items to decorate with like googly eyes, sequins, and mini pom poms. I’m going to link it below from a few different sites because I know they might go out of stock with everyone looking for ways to decorate eggs this year!
I also found a bunch of other fake eggs, some that come with paint and some that are just the wooden eggs by themselves. This way you can order whichever ones will come on time for you! And if you don’t need the paint or other supplies because you already have them and just need the eggs, then you can get the eggs individually.
We haven’t done our egg decorating yet, so I thought I would take a trip down memory lane and pull a few from an old post where I decorated eggs for Molly’s first Easter. I cannot believe that she wasn’t even 1 years old in these photos. It seems like it just happened but also seems like a somewhat distant memory. This is why I always say to get as many pics of your kiddos as you can! But anyways, this 2017 Easter post is also great because I shared a few different ways that you can decorate eggs. I completely forgot that I had used temporary tattoos on eggs! So if you have any of those lying around, that could be a fun addition to your egg decorating. I also shared how I used a plastic baggie to make glitter decorated eggs!
Easter Activities
Easter Candy Cake
I made these a few years ago and I still love the idea so much that I thought I would share again. They are honestly really simple and would be so fun for kids to do with you! Each kiddo could even have their own cake to decorate! The only ingredients that are mandatory are to make the base case, I used 1 box of white cake mix (4 eggs, oil and water per instructions of box). But you could make it from scratch if you’re a baker, or use any type of cake mix that you have!
You can use any candy you want to decorate, and over in this post I explained how to decorate the cake with a carrot, a pot of gold or flower designs. I love the “carrot” cake – and any of these would be great Easter Activities. I couldn’t find the bunny gummies, but you really could use anything orange to make the carrot. Maybe Sour Patch Kids, they have a similar shape!
Which design would you make with your kiddos?
Learning Easter Activities for the Whole Family
I was trying to think of some ways that we could implement learning into our day on Easter, just because I really am working to keep Molly’s brain active during this time away from school, and Riley has fun learning alongside her!
If you have younger kiddos like I do, I truly think these Easter activities would be fun for the whole family. Let me start off by showing you this Bunny Yoga book because I think it is the cutest idea!! First of all, who doesn’t need to take a little time for some calmness and zen right about now?! And this book was especially designed for kids and learning yoga poses that look similar to woodland creatures. I think that is such a good idea for the whole family! You could do a normal yoga session, and have your kids do these alongside you – having your whole family learning the skill of yoga, and practicing calmness.
Another activity that I thought would be fun are these colorable puzzles. I love them because it is a set of 5, so depending on the size of your family, each person could color their own puzzle! If they are younger, you can help them try to color in the lines or do a pattern. And then they can take it apart and put the puzzle together, which I love because I know that they are great for using your brain, help with short-term memory and critical thinking skills!
I thought this Rabbits, Bunnies and Hares Activity book was so cute! There are all different activities inside, like sketching, mazes, wordsearches, activities that help with counting, and so much to color! I really love this! And they have other animals too if your kiddo likes another animal better. I just thought that this was so perfect to use as one of our Easter activities!
And just for fun I wanted to throw this Bunny Ear ring toss on here. You just blow up each piece and can sit it in your yard or house…. or it can be tied onto someone’s head! Ha! I know that my kiddos would find this so hilarious!!
Do you have any other good Easter activities that I should do with my family? Comment them below!
Bunny Hats
I wrote about these in a blog post a few weeks ago but decided to add it here as another activity you can do with products you likely have in your home!
- On your dinner sized paper plate, draw a circle just about 1 and 3/4 inches to 2 inches in from the edge.
- Then cut along the line to create the head-hole.
- Try the hat on your child to see if you need to widen the hole
- Cut ears out of the second paper plate, because that way it is sturdier than paper.
- Tape them on underneath so that you can’t see the tape.
- Let them decorate the hat with any supplies you have: markers, glitter, pipe cleaners, jewels, etc.
The version I found online turned out to be almost impossible for me to do. They had you cut the shape of the ears right into the hat and fold them up, but because my paper plates were so sturdy, I wasn’t able to do that and would have needed an Exact-O knife. So you can try either way, but I think this mom-hack was much easier!
Easter Basket Ideas
I wanted to give you guys some cute ideas for things to put in your child’s Easter basket. These are all things that I personally got for my kiddos. If you guys have been watching my Insta stories and you probably know that the Easter bunny has been stopping by our house every few days to leave a little surprises for the kids. We’ve kind of been using it like how use use Elf on a Shelf at Christmas time. We tell Molly that if she isn’t well behaved that the Easter bunny isn’t going to come. It’s been a nice way to keep them well behaved and a way to have a little bit of fun!
Peppa Pig
You guys haven’t seen my Instagram stories yet, but that the Easter bunny will be dropping off these Peppa Pig toys very soon. Molly and Riley are absolutely obsessed with that show right now and I know they are going to love these so much. A company gracious offered to send them to us. We got the Surprise Balloon Bundle because I actually think they look like little Easter eggs so I think Molly will think it’s so cool that the Easter bunny brought them by. And then I got this Peppa Pig Whistle n’ Oink plushy because it’s more appropriate for Riley’s age and I can just see him giving it a big ole snuggle.
We also got the Peppa Pig Lights & Sounds Family Fun Car and the Carnival Fun Playtime Set that they will absolutely love! Riley has always loved little cars and the fact that this one is Peppa Pig is going to make him go crazy when we are playing with it. So either of these would be good for baskets too.
Anyway, I know I’m not the only parent out there whose kids LOVE Peppa (My niece is also obsessed) so I thought I’d share since you’ll see them in my insta stories soon.
For both of my kid’s Easter baskets I got them some Toy Story pajamas. I think every kiddo would love to have their favorite character pajamas in their Easter basket. Or if your kiddo is older, then a really cozy pair like these ones!
Tip for parents with two kids close in age. For the pajamas, I got the size 4t. It comes in a two pack and Molly will get one and Riley will get the other. Even though Riley’s technically a 2t right now I figured since their PJs it doesn’t really matter if they’re a bit big. And this set is great for them because they both pretend to be Woody and Buzz when we play “Toy Story” as a family.
Oh, and on the topic of clothing on Easter, I wanted to throw Molly’s Easter dress in here once more, because I just saw that it is on sale for $20, which is 40% off! She truly loves it so much and I bet your daughter would too!
I mentioned above how puzzles are so good for your brain, really for any age! And Molly loves them and has always surprised me with how good she is at them! For their baskets, I got them each a Toy Story puzzle. Their exact puzzle is sold out but I found some other great ones that I am going to link below for you.
The Essentials
I want to end this blog post with some links to essentials for your Easter basket. I know right now everything seem pretty overwhelming and honestly when I was thinking about putting together the kids’ Easter basket I just kept thinking how I wish someone had everything in one place so I could just click on the things to buy them. So I figured, why don’t I do that for you guys to make life easier! Here are some other essentials that you might need for your kids baskets link below.
Hope you guys find this post helpful. I know things are about to get very very very heavy very soon in this country. I’m trying to find ways to bring as much joy into our house as possible. So I hope this post helps you guys do that as well. Stay safe. Love you guys
Thanks for the fun ideas! I love the eggs, how special that you can decorate them together and keep them forever! My crafty little girl will love that! Wishing you a wonderful day!
Thank you for reading Mary! I’m exciting to get the eggs to do with Molly!
Put flowers or butterflies on your pendant lights! 🦋🌺🦋🌺🦋
I think I am going to do flowers!!!!
Hi Ali! Love this!!! Thank you so much for the ideas!
Also, I’m wondering if you could link the garden beds again? Thank you so much!!!
They are linked on my shop page with everything else! But here is the direct link to the garden beds:
I love following you and your family. Love your suggestions but this time with coronavirus going around and many families are out of job. They may not be able to afford to buy stuff for their children. How about sharing how to reuse things instead of buying new things all the time. Just a thought…
Stay home and stay healthy…
This is such a great idea. I was thinking the same thing. People may be stuck at home but that doesn’t mean they have the means to do a lot of online shopping. For most families, money is going to be very, very tight. More so than ever.
Thank you so much for the comment Nelle! I suggest things that can be bought but also suggest things that can be made with things at home like the cake above or the bunny hat in this post:
Nell and Jenn
I agree that reusing stuff would be a good post as it is a difficult time. However my husband and I feel strongly that bc we both still have jobs it’s extra important for us to stimulate the economy and shop/order from restaurants as much as we’re able (I don’t personally shop at Walmart)but I love the Etsy and Nordstrom items you frequently post Ali! I made that cake when you originally post it and may have to make it again!
I love this point too. We both have our jobs and are so grateful so we have been ordering food a lot to support the restaurants. And I will continue to try to link to smaller business like Etsy! Thank you
Such cute ideas! Im so glad I got my kids’ Easter stuff weeks ago in case everything was out of stock or things got more intense with the virus. I feel like Easter will give everyone something happy to look forward to, even if it might be a little different this year.
I was right there with you Carly! I bought some a month ago before anything was shut down. I just had this feeling I wouldn’t be able to go to a store again. But I’m ordering a few more things online like the egg kits 🙂
This is such a great idea. I was thinking the same thing. People may be stuck at home but that doesn’t mean they have the means to do a lot of online shopping. For most families, money is going to be very, very tight. More so than ever.
Love your blog … read every one and always appreciate your thoughtful comments and ideas.
Just a housekeeping thought for your consideration … when you use the pale pink print for your links, etc., it is very difficult to read these words against the white background. I know you are a “pink girl”, and I love that, but perhaps a deeper shade might be a thought. Keep up the great work-you are sharing valuable information!! Thanks so much!
We make an Easter bunny cake with two round cakes (and really we use mini cakes because there’s only three of us and none of us need that much cake). One round makes the head and you cut the ears out of the other one and the leftover middle part makes a bowtie. It’s on Pinterest how to cut the ears out, but it’s always a lot of fun
I found these at Target! You dye them like normal eggs!
Hi Ali,
I absolutely LOVE the idea of making fake Easter eggs! Not only does it make sure that no food is being wasted, but then you can keep them forever! My kids are 2 years old and 4 months old so they won’t understand the sentimental value just yet, but I know I would cherish that craft and pull it out every year when we decorate for Easter.
I think it’s really distasteful that you’re putting links for items for people to buy, and putting discount codes in your Instagram stories. There are people that cannot partake in any type of shopping right now.
I completely understand that – which is why I am donating 4k of my own money this month. But the discount are helpful for those who CAN buy things and it’s very important for those who can that we contribute to the economy.