All Gifts
November 28, 2019

The BEST Black Friday Sales 2019!!!

Hey Guys! Happy Black Friday!   And oh my gosh there are sooooo many good sales right now I can hardly contain my excitement. I am breaking them all down for you below and including pics of many items I own and love that are on sale. Just click the name of the…

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November 20, 2019

Christmas Kitchen with Wreaths!

Happy Holidays!!! Can't believe that is almost Thanksgiving!! Our home has been filled with a nasty flu, and because of that we have cleaned basically every inch of the house. I'm not kidding! Kevin even disinfected the crayons! I wanted to share our holiday kitchen decor with you this week, and since…

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Gift Guide
November 14, 2019

Gift Guide: Toys for Kiddos!

Can you believe that we are already halfway into November?! It feels like Halloween was just yesterday! I am so excited to see so many people getting into the holiday spirit early this year!!! I am not the only crazy person with my tree up at Halloween anymore. HA!!! Today I thought…

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Gift Guide
November 1, 2019

LeapBuilders Interactive Building Blocks

Hey guys! Thanks for coming over to the blog today. With the holidays just around the corner, you’re going to start seeing a lot more gift guides on my blog. I’m so grateful (and realize how lucky I am) that I’m in a position where brands send me read the post 20comments

Gift Guide
October 22, 2019

Gift Guide for Everyone on Your List!

I am so excited to be bringing all of you another gift guide this year! As more items get added to websites and it gets closer to the holidays, I will continue to update my 2019 Gift Guide page! Who will you be shopping for this year? I…

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Gift Guide
October 18, 2019

Gifts Under $25!

Happy Affordable Friday! I thought I'd post this today because it's Friday and all of these items are so Affordable! So it's really an Affordable Friday Gifts post, all Gifts Under $25!

Can you believe that it is almost the holidays already? I know it's still October, but I am so excited…

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Gift Guide
October 1, 2019

All My Favorite Gifts

Hey guys! I just wanted to have a post that I could update frequently with all of my favorite gift ideas! So keep coming back to this page if you need a gift idea inspiration! As I’m looking for gifts for the people in my life, I will continue to update this…

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