Bachelor Nation
March 7, 2017

Who Will Get The Final Rose?

You guys may have heard the news - I'm married!!! I have so much to tell you guys about it, but I am crazy busy this week and I want to take the proper time to write my wedding blog post. So I will have it up at some point…

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Bachelor Nation
February 27, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Corinne

Yay! My new show Love Buzz has a new episode up NOW!!! We normally release on a Tuesday but decided to post this episode on a Monday since we are talking all about the new Bachelorette Rachel!! Plus the original Bachelorette, Trista…

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Bachelor Nation
February 21, 2017


Tuesday's aren’t just about Bachelor recaps anymore. They are also about my new show Love Buzz!!!! Did you guys watch last weeks episode? If not, you can watch it HERE and a brand new episode just went up (posted below)!!!! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you…

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Bachelor Nation
February 14, 2017

My New Show and Our New Bachelorette!!!!

I have to start today's blog with some exciting news! I’ll get right to it - I’m hosting a new talk show all about LOOOOOOVE! That’s right my luvs, I am hosting a weekly digital talk show called Love Buzz that will focus on all thing relationships and reality TV! The first…

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Bachelor Nation
February 7, 2017

Bachelor Tears – Nicks and Mine

I have to start my by addressing the most heartbreaking thing in BACHELOR HISTORY - ALEXIS LEAVING!!!! I was soooo sad to see her go. Like legit sad. I need her in my life. Ha! I want to start an online petition demanding she be on Bachelor in Paradise! Alexis - if…

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Bachelor Nation
January 31, 2017

Corinne Vs. Taylor – Nobody Really Wins

I don’t know about you guys but watching last night episode of The Bachelor seriously made me uncomfortable. For so many reasons. It was all about Corinne vs. Taylor. Am I picking sides? No. Definitely not. But I do have some thoughts. Here they are...

At first, I honestly felt like Taylor…

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Bachelor Nation
January 24, 2017

Vanessa, Raven, and Corinne – My favs last night. Yes, even Corinne.

There were three stand out girls in last night’s episode for me - Vanessa, Raven, and Corinne. But they didn’t all stand out for the same reasons. But all good reasons in my opinion. I’ll explain...

First, let’s talk about bad ass Vanessa! That girl impressed me so much last night. So…

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