February 24, 2020

Soaking Up the Sun in Hawaii!

Hey guys! Thanks for swinging over to the blog. I know what many of you may be thinking. I’m on vacation in Hawaii so why am I blogging? Well, thanks to talk to text and my amazing assistant Madi, I’m able to quickly write this blog while talking into my phone…

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Affordable Friday
February 20, 2020

3 Tops Under $20 – Affordable Friday

Happy affordable Friday! I get so excited about Affordable Friday's, it’s kind of ridiculous. Ha! I think it’s just because I've found so many quality pieces lately for such insanely good prices that just makes me so so happy! Have you got any of the pieces lately? If you have, let me…

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February 18, 2020

Time for Vacation!

UPDATE: I just found that the white dress I am wearing below also comes in a maxi dress in a bunch of colors. It is a great option for people that want to be a little more covered, but still wear this gorgeous dress!

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I can’t believe we…

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February 14, 2020

Pretty Blush Dress

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! The funny thing about Valentine’s Day is that when I was single and did not have a Valentine, Valentine’s Day was such a big deal to me. I cared so much about meeting that perfect guy that would give me flowers on Valentine’s Day one day! But the…

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February 13, 2020

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hi, folks! Happy Valentine’s Day, well almost! This is Kevin writing this. Every so often, I “hack” into Ali’s blog and write a post in an effort to alleviate some of her stress. I certainly wouldn’t know how to link outfits or anything like that, so I once again enlisted…

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February 12, 2020

Gorgeous, Flowy Green Dress

Happy Wednesday!!! Hope you all are staying dry and warm, our weather has been fluctuating a ton this past week, from days with highs of 40s (which I know isn't that cold!), to days in the 70s. Today I thought I would share a quick post about this beautiful green dress, because…

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February 4, 2020

The “Mom-Outfit”

Hi everyone!!! Happy Tuesday. Today is just a quick post, because I'm hanging out with my kiddos today! But I thought that this was the perfect time to share this outfit with you because I really do think it's a great "mom-outfit". Even if you aren't a mom, it's a great outfit…

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