October 8, 2018

One of my Favorite Casual Outfits Ever

If you buy only one complete outfit off my blog all season long, THIS one should be it! I am OBSESSED with everything about this look. It's soooo cute, SUPER comfy and so many of the pieces are affordable.

This look is really simple but couldn’t be cuter in my opinion! I’ve…

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October 6, 2018

The Pumpkin Patch

The Manno family spent some time at the pumpkin patch today! I had such high hopes for this day. I thought we would go and casually pick up some pumpkins while watching Molly play on some of the things they had set up there like the bounce house. Overall I thought it…

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October 4, 2018

Instagram versus Reality

Hey guys! I’ve been thinking more and more about the effect of social media on all of our lives. I even posted a long Instagram post about this the other day. And trust me, it’s not lost on me that it’s kind of ridiculous to be talking about how damaging social media…

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October 3, 2018

Book Tour Panel!

Hey guys! A few of you asked me about my outfit that I wore to the book tour panel that I was on last night so I wanted to post details for you guys on the blog. I really love this dress. It’s a little bit different than…

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September 30, 2018

Sundays Cozies

It’s Sunday so that means Kevin, Molly, Riley and I are headed to the farmers market. We go every Sunday morning. And honestly, in the past I normally throw on sweats and sunglasses because I don’t have the energy to get myself ready in the morning. However, lately I’ve felt the need…

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Affordable Friday
September 28, 2018

Affordable Friday – $24 Overalls and a $9 dress!

Happy affordable Friday! Do you guys know I get super excited when I get to post super affordable fashion on my blog. And today is such a great post! The overalls in this post are only $24 and the dress is only,…

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September 27, 2018

Sleep Training – Why We are Doing it

Morning! How did you all sleep last night?! I'm pretty pumped to say I slept from 10pm until 3:45am! I know that doesn't sound like 'sleeping in' to some people, but any mom to an infant out there knows that getting a stretch of almost 6 hours is pretty amazing when you're…

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