June 13, 2018

I Finally Showered! Ha!

Yesterday was such an up-and-down day for me. Or really I guess I should say down-and-up since it started out pretty rough and then got so much better. As many of you know, yesterday was Kevin‘s first day back to work. I have been dreading him going back ever since Riley was…

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May 19, 2018

Taking in the Last Few Days of Pregnancy…

Good morning! Anyone wake up early to watch the royal wedding? I for one.....did not! Ha! This mama needs her sleep before this baby comes, and weekends are my days to sleep in because Kevin is home to get up with Molly. And by sleep in, I mean sleep until 7am. But…

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May 18, 2018

Barefoot and Pregnant annnnd…..BIG NEWS!

Epppppp! I have some exciting news! Ready for it?! We will officially be a family of 4 (plus poochie!) by this time next week! I mean, baby could decide to come sooner than that, but because I am measuring so big and the baby is estimated to be over 1o lbs, the…

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May 17, 2018

I Totally Thought I was in Labor Yesterday…

Last night I was so sure I was in labor. It’s funny, you'd think I would know what going into labor feels like since I’m a second time mom - or about to be a second time mom. But the truth is I have no idea what it feels like to gradually…

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May 16, 2018

What Being A Working Mom Looks Like…

You guys are gonna think I’m crazy, but yes, I went to a work meeting yesterday - in heels! Or maybe you won’t think I’m crazy. I’m not really sure. I keep saying I’m going to slow down and I have a little! I don’t know what it…

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May 6, 2018

Dressed Up for a Good Cause…SheLift

Good morning! I hope you all are having a beautiful and relaxing day. We are off to an event today. Normally I probably wouldn’t go to an event this late in my pregnancy because I’m trying to slow down, but today’s event is to honor an organization that is near and dear…

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Affordable Friday
May 4, 2018

Gushing about Chicwish Today Cause it’s Affordable Friday!

Hi guys! Gosh I’m just realizing it’s been a week since I’ve done a fashion post! I guess I’ve just had a bunch of other stuff on my mind lately and I pretty much always blog about what I’m thinking about at the moment. I kind of consider this site to be…

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