March 28, 2018

Hey Mama!

Ahhhhh it feels good to be home. Don't get me wrong, it felt pretty great being in Hawaii too, but there is something about coming home after a trip that is just so nice. I'm lucky that I have today off from work so I am spending it helping Molly readjust in…

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March 26, 2018

Flowers on the Beach

I can't believe our trip is already coming to an end! But really, my Hawaii posts are just beginning! My plan was to blog while here (and I did a couple times) but I tried to step away from my computer for a bit to soak up some time with my family.…

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March 24, 2018

Hawaii Now and Then

We made it to Hawaii! It's so beautiful here. We absolutely love it. Not going to lie, it's been raining almost non-stop since we got here. Which is so uncommon for Hawaii! Normally it quickly rains, and then the sun comes out shortly after. But we happened to pick a rainy week.…

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March 22, 2018

Hawaii Bound!!!

I am going to keep this short and sweet because we are off to Hawaii today! We haven't been on a trip in so long, so we're definitely looking forward to a few days by a pool in the sunshine. Kevin's mom and my mom flew out yesterday from Massachusetts and Indiana…

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March 19, 2018

Cute Vacation Dress

Happy Monday guys! I'm super happy that it’s Monday because this is a short week for Kevin and me. We leave for Hawaii this week! I am so excited to have a little getaway. And here's the best part, both of our moms are coming with us! They’re gonna help take care…

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BreastFeeding Friendly Fashion
March 16, 2018

Cutest Polka Dot Dress EVER!

Oh my gosh I'm so excited to write about today's outfit! I actually got this polka dot dress from a friend about two months ago and I absolutely fell in love with it. I wanted to post it, but it wasn't for sale anywhere online except in white…

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March 14, 2018

Dressing for the Office or a Meeting while Pregnant

Man. Honestly this week I feel like I'm gasping for air I'm so swamped. Which in reality should make me take a little break from my blog. But I guess sometimes my blog is just my escape. I don't know if you guys know this, but I write all my blogs using…

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