December 24, 2017

Great Options For NYE! ( Multiple Options to Choose From!)

Hi Luvs! I'm home in MA spending time with family but I wanted to get up this post to share some NYE outfit options with you gusy! Everything from a casual outfit (with a sequin top for $21!) to a sequin party dress to…

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December 17, 2017

All COZY despite a few bumps – Mommy and Me Hats

Hey Luvs! Hope you all had a great weekend! Kevin, Molly, Owen and I had a great time. We had family in town visiting which was so nice. We went and saw Santa, visited some fun festive spots in LA to get in the holiday spirit, and just enjoyed some chill time…

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December 15, 2017

Little Red Coat – On Sale!

Happy Friday Luvs! It’s so crazy to think that next week is the last week before Christmas! In fact, my little family and I are celebrating with an early Christmas this weekend. Kevin‘s parents are in town to visit with us and Molly and to celebrate Kevin‘s dad‘s 70th birthday which is…

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December 12, 2017

3 NYE Dresses for 3 Different Parties!

NYE is coming up! Have you guys thought about what you are going to wear yet?! I honestly have no idea what we are doing yet but I want to be prepared for a fun night out just in case. And even if we don't go out, I have a few events…

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December 11, 2017

Casual with a Little Sparkle

Hi Luvs. I hope all of you are doing everything you can to stay healthy out there! I caught a nasty bug on Friday and I basically didn’t even leave my bed all weekend. Kevin even had to stay home from work today to take care of Molly because I still can’t…

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December 8, 2017

Gifts for $30 and Under!

Today’s post is all about super budget friendly gift ideas! You guys know that in general everything I talk about on my blog is affordable. Or at least I try to keep everything affordable! Sure I cave and splurge every once in a while. I'm only human! So I’m super excited that…

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December 7, 2017

Sweater Weather

I wore this sweater yesterday in a few of my Instagram stories and I got some messages from you guys asking me to write about it. It honestly is one of my favorite sweaters and I was so pumped to see that it's still…

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