December 4, 2017

Family Photo’s

As you guys know, I love getting professional Family photos taken! I just feel like photography is something that is worth investing some money on because these are beautiful memories in my life that I want captured so I can remember them forever!

We've done a bunch of family photos in the…

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December 3, 2017

Long Sweaters are my Fave

Happy Sunday everyone! We’re taking it pretty easy today after a long week. My dad and his wife are coming to town for the day to visit and we are just hanging.

Wanted to share details on my outfit today because I absolutely love this sweater. You’re gonna…

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November 29, 2017

Christmas PJ’s for the Fam for Under $20!

Now that we’ve celebrated Thanksgiving, we are officially in Christmas mode over here at the Manno household! Honestly, we almost didn’t put up any Christmas decorations because we are right smack dab in the middle of moving and it felt like a lot to put up Christmas decorations only to take them…

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November 28, 2017

The Most Comfy Dress Ever (Plus Holiday Party Dress) Both 30% off today

Oh my gosh, the last few days have been a shopping bonanza for me! Ha! There were just so many great deals over Black Friday and Cyber Monday that it was hard for me to pull myself away from my computer. However, there were a few things that I wanted to buy…

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November 27, 2017

The Best Cyber Monday Deals! (Many Of These Sales Are Still Going on Tuesday!)

Hi Luvs!

Happy Cyber Monday. Today s the BEST day of the year for online shopping. So I've put together a list of all my favorite sales happening today! Like the jacket on sale for $30 below (We are both wearing it in different colors)! Eeeeppppp! And the…

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November 23, 2017

Holiday Dinner Outfit! Jacket Only $66!

Happy Thanksgiving Luvs!!! I have so much to be thankful for this year. This is my first Thanksgiving as a wife, as I got married to the most wonderful man this year, Molly is growing into the sweetest little toddler and I'm pregnant with another little baby! Plus we sold our house…

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November 22, 2017


I absolutely love Thanksgiving! For the obvious reasons of course. I love getting to spend time with my family and eat lots of yummy food until my pants don’t fit anymore! Heck, who am I kidding, I’m pregnant with my second child and my pants already don’t fit anymore! Ha!

Anyway, I…

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