June 26, 2017

Bridal DO’s and DON’Ts

This one's for the BRIDES out there!!! Since it's wedding season, I've been thinking a lot lately about my own wedding day and some of the things I'm so happy that I did and some of the things that I wish I had or hadn't done. So today in the blog I'm…

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June 23, 2017

Mixed Prints

Hey guys! Happy Friday! Kevin, Molly and I are actually in Williamstown, Massachusetts for the weekend. It's my niece Blake's first birthday and we are here celebrating! It's pretty cool because my sister's daughter (a.k.a. my niece) was born just 10 days before Molly. So really we're celebrating both of their first…

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June 20, 2017

Family Time Before We Take Off Again

Man life has been crazy busy lately - but all good stuff. If any of you were following along on Instagram story, you may have seen that Kevin Molly and I went to Big Bear this past weekend. It was so nice to get away in the mountains and spend time with…

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June 16, 2017

Classically Girly

Hi friends! Happy Friday! It's been a crazy busy week for me since I was at Entertainment Tonight all week (did you watch? Tell me what you thought in the comments below!). Plus I was taking care of Molly and trying to keep up with my blog. And I have a few…

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June 13, 2017

Denim Jacket Love

Hey guys! I'm back at Entertainment Tonight today. I'm not co-hosting today since Kevin and Nancy are both here today but I'll be on the show with them! Anyway, earlier this morning when I posted an Instagram story of the outfit I wore to work today I got some questions about it…

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June 12, 2017

Pretty Little Dress

Hi guys! I wore this dress yesterday and I posted some Instagram stories and I got a bunch of DM's asking me about it. So I'm featuring it in today's photos! In fact my entire look is from Nordstrom so if you love it you can get everything from the same place.

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June 7, 2017

Blue and White Dress

One of the biggest perks of working in TV is getting to where really pretty clothes. You guys know me, I'm a total bargain shopper. But when I co-host on different shows I get dressed in the most gorgeous outfits and today's dress is just too pretty…

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