February 22, 2017

Cool Grey

It's been so chilly in La lately! I know I know, some of you are freezing in the rest of the country! But it was legit colder here in LA yesterday than is was in Indianan where Kevin's parents live. Crazy! So I am rocking sweaters this week! I LOVE

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February 19, 2017

Weekends with my Family

Weekends are all about EATING!!! At least for me they are. I went to THE BEST pace today and got these ridiculously good veggies! So good that I've decided I want to recreate them at home! Stay tuned cause I am going to do a blog post about it in the next…

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February 16, 2017

Wedding White Lace Dress

My wedding day is coming up! I am starting to get really excited! I mean, I've always been excited, but that excitement is growing! Today, I'm doing some wedding day errands so I wanted to wear white! Wedding white! Yay! This gorgeous white lace dress was the perfect option…

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February 15, 2017

wink wink – I love this family

Hi guys! Yesterday was Valentines Day and I was so busy that I feel weird about not posting anything about my sweet little family. I mean, Valentines Day is just one day out of the year and I love my family the same no matter what day it is - obvi! But…

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BreastFeeding Friendly Fashion
February 12, 2017

Boho Vibes

Today's look is all about boho vibes! It's been so nice in LA this weekend and I am starting to get really excited for spring! And this is the type of outfit I will be LIVING in this spring/summer. It's so cute, comfy, and breastfeeding friendly! And of course it's affordable ;)

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February 9, 2017

Dress for YOU this Valentines Day

Valentine's Day isn't just about couples! It about celebrating loving YOURSELF! I hope today's look inspired all your single ladies to have FUN with you fashion this Valentines Day! Don't dress for a man  (or anyone!) - dress for  you!!!!!

I feel like Valentine's day is the perfect time to be more…

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February 6, 2017

Spring Outfit Ideas (Plus Bachelor Video – Sarah Vendal)

Anyone else so ready for spring? I know I am! It's been raining so much lately and even though we have totally needed it here in LA, I am SO over it. Bring on the sunshine! Today's look is inspired but all the beautiful days coming up in spring!

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