July 18, 2018

Ali Luvs Home Tour – Our Bedroom

Hi guys! Welcome to the second blog post in my home tour series! Today I’m inviting you into our bedroom. I’d like to say this is where the magic happens, but right now this is where I am up every few hours nursing my son and getting spit up all over me!…

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BreastFeeding Friendly Fashion
July 17, 2018

Celebrating Our Bodies – Breastfeeding & Beautiful Nursing Clothes!

I want thank you all so much for all of your incredible support and positivity on my blog yesterday. Sharing those images of myself in a bikini was definitely something I was nervous about, but you guys made me feel so great about it once I finally gathered up the courage to…

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May 21, 2018

An Open Letter to my Daughter Molly

Dear Molly,

My sweet girl. I haven’t even started writing this letter yet and I’m already in tears. I normally think I’m pretty good with words. I write pretty much every single day and never really have trouble coming up with what I want to say. But as I sit here trying…

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May 18, 2018

Barefoot and Pregnant annnnd…..BIG NEWS!

Epppppp! I have some exciting news! Ready for it?! We will officially be a family of 4 (plus poochie!) by this time next week! I mean, baby could decide to come sooner than that, but because I am measuring so big and the baby is estimated to be over 1o lbs, the…

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April 12, 2018

Mommy and Me Favorites! For Daughters and Sons!

I can’t be the only mother that absolutely loves dressing in mommy and me clothes with their daughter. In fact, when my son arrives, I’m pretty certain we’re all going to dress alike. Ha! I just think it’s so fun and so cute to wear matching things. Today on the blog I’m…

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Affordable Friday
April 11, 2018

Cute Affordable Fashion! Let Me Tell You About My Love For Chicwish!

I love today’s blog post because it’s about one of my absolute favorite websites. Honestly, I almost feel like this website is a little secret of mine for finding the cutest affordable fashion! The site I am talking about is Chicwish. Have you guys heard of it…

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April 6, 2018

Baby Shower Dress Inspo!

OK I need your help today! I'm trying to pick out a dress to wear to my baby shower on Sunday! I guess technically it's called a “sprinkle” since it's my second one. Regardless I am super excited to celebrate little baby boy Manno this weekend! BTW, we STILL don't have a…

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