September 27, 2022

Vegetarian School Lunch Ideas

One thing parents kinda forget over summer break is the struggle of packing a lunch every morning! In my case, it’s 2 lunches and for many of you, it’s even more than that! Breakfast is easy, but making lunches before I’ve even finished a cup of coffee is…

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December 1, 2020

Carrot and Raisin Salad – A Manno Tradition

I didn’t grow up with a lot of family traditions. Especially around cooking. In fact, one of my favorite holiday traditions growing up was ordering Chinese food on Christmas Eve. Ha! Growing up, my family was much more about takeout than family recipes. My grandmother had a few that I cherish,…

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March 17, 2020

My Top Picks For Infancy that Last Until They Are Toddlers

Hey guys! I want to write a blog post today about all my favorite baby items because I’ve noticed it’s been a frequent question in my Facebook group. And now that Riley is about to turn 2 (can you believe he’s about to turn two?!?!) I feel like…

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February 2, 2020

My 5 Must Have Items in the Kitchen for a Healthier Lifestyle

I don’t know about you guys but I definitely had some peaks and valleys since vowing that 2020 is going to be my healthiest year yet! I’m definitely on the right track and I’m very proud of myself. However, with sicknesses and unforeseen health issues, I’ve had a couple setbacks. That…

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November 6, 2019

Home Chef | Snappy Snack + Entree Salad

Hi guys! As I’m sure you have seen on my Instagram, I recently decided to try out Home Chef a couple months ago! I’m somewhat of a creature of habit when it comes to my meals, if you haven't realized from how often I eat pasta, but I…

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June 25, 2019

Baby Registry Must Haves – The Everyday Stuff

*** Quick Note: The Walmart website just had a new update that allows for Next-Day delivery. Make sure you toggle that off when you are clicking the links below, or some of them will show as unavailable! You can also press "other delivery options" to help fix this!

Hey guys! Welcome to…

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June 6, 2019

Baby Registry Must Haves Series – In the Kitchen

Ok, I've been waiting a while to write this post and that is because I wanted enough time to pass where I REALLY had a good feel on what baby products were the ABSOLUTE BEST in the first year (and beyond) in Molly and Riley's life. So I am starting a 3…

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