June 6, 2019

Baby Registry Must Haves Series – In the Kitchen

Ok, I've been waiting a while to write this post and that is because I wanted enough time to pass where I REALLY had a good feel on what baby products were the ABSOLUTE BEST in the first year (and beyond) in Molly and Riley's life. So I am starting a 3…

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March 26, 2019

Was Sleep Training Worth it?

Sleep training update! Since we sleep trained Riley when he was four months old, so many of you have either commented on my social posts, DM to me, or emailed me asking how it’s been going! So I thought today would be a good day to give you guys an update on…

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November 12, 2018

The Willow Breast Pump is a Game Changer!!!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED*** The winner of the giveaway is Jacqueline Stevens! Willow will be emailing you shortly to send you your pump! Yay! You are going to love it!

I am so glad you came to my blog today! Today’s blog post is about one of my favorite products ever! And that’s the…

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October 17, 2018

Sleeping Training our 4 Month Old

Welcome tired parents! I’m assuming that the majority of you reading this are exhausted moms and dads looking for answers on how to get your child to sleep better. And if you’re not a parent and you’re reading anyway, thanks for being here! I’m really excited about today’s blog post because I’m…

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September 27, 2018

Sleep Training – Why We are Doing it

Morning! How did you all sleep last night?! I'm pretty pumped to say I slept from 10pm until 3:45am! I know that doesn't sound like 'sleeping in' to some people, but any mom to an infant out there knows that getting a stretch of almost 6 hours is pretty amazing when you're…

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August 23, 2018

Two Kids 2 and Under – The first 3 months

Riley turns 3 months tomorrow so I thought now would be a good time to fill you guys in on what being a mom to two kiddos, two and under, has been like for me. To say it’s been hard is a gross understatement. I never in a million years could’ve realized…

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BreastFeeding Friendly Fashion
August 2, 2018

International Breastfeeding Week and My Favorite Nursing Tank!

Happy World Breastfeeding Week! Not only is this World Breastfeeding Week, but August is National Breastfeeding Awareness month! So there’s lots to celebrate when it comes to breastfeeding right now. Actually, I think there’s always a reason to celebrate breastfeeding mama’s!

Before I go any further, and I always start my blog…

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