March 15, 2021

It’s Important to Be Prepared – How I Do It!

Thank you Walmart+ for being so awesome, sponsoring this post, and making my life so much easier and prepared!!!

Kevin has come around to the helmet side! Ha! If you follow me on Instagram then you probably have been laughing along with my helmet story. I stand…

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Affordable Friday
February 20, 2021

5 Best Ways to Save Money

Hi guys! I really hope that by coming to the blog today you take away something useful and valuable for your life. I do a lot of blog posts about things that I like to buy and products that I love, but today’s blog post is a bit different and I’m really…

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All Gifts
December 3, 2020

Top Deals on Toys

Happy Thanksgiving weekend and Cyber weekend everyone! Thanksgiving is such a beautiful holiday. One that we really celebrate Thursday to Sunday. In general this is truly the best tie of year because it’s all about being with the people you love. And of course giving thanks for all that we have.…

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December 1, 2020

Carrot and Raisin Salad – A Manno Tradition

I didn’t grow up with a lot of family traditions. Especially around cooking. In fact, one of my favorite holiday traditions growing up was ordering Chinese food on Christmas Eve. Ha! Growing up, my family was much more about takeout than family recipes. My grandmother had a few that I cherish,…

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All Gifts
October 21, 2020

Our Little Band – My Top Toy Picks!

Hi guys! I can’t believe I’m already writing posts about potential holiday gifts! I don’t know about you, but I’m really looking forward to the holidays this year more than ever! I think it’s safe to say it’s been a tough year and I know many of us could use some holiday…

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August 6, 2020

Potty Training for #2 – Poop Problems

Hey guys welcome to the blog today! Wow, I can’t believe it’s been weeks since I’ve written a blog post, I'm not even going to count Monday's Bachelor blog because that one was a given! I’ve never gone this long without posting. I guess I’ve just found some time to slow down…

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Home Decor
June 12, 2020

Organizing Our Junk Drawers and Kids Craft Supplies!

I don’t know about all of you, but I have been on a serious organization kick since the Safer at Home mandate began. That’s probably because of all the time spent at home, but I couldn’t be happier to get a little more organized within the chaos. You might have seen my…

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