June 13, 2019

Balance? It Doesn’t Exist

I’ve been thinking a lot about balance lately. We hear that term thrown around a lot these days. How do you balance it all? How do you do it all? How are you able to run a website, go to a job, raise two kids, and still look so put together? Well,…

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June 6, 2019

Baby Registry Must Haves Series – In the Kitchen

Ok, I've been waiting a while to write this post and that is because I wanted enough time to pass where I REALLY had a good feel on what baby products were the ABSOLUTE BEST in the first year (and beyond) in Molly and Riley's life. So I am starting a 3…

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May 31, 2019

Riley is ONE! Our Little Man’s Birthday

Oh my gosh you guys. I cannot believe that my little bud is 1! We had such a fun day celebrating with our friends and family! I know I’ve said this before but this year seriously flew by in the blink of an eye. On one hand changing a…

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April 29, 2019

Toddler Attachment to a Toy or Blanket – Mr. Whale

Today’s blog is all about Mr. Whale. That’s right, Molly’s beloved whale has become such a staple in our household that he gets an entire blog dedicated just to him! Ha! My husband Kevin even co-hosts a radio…

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April 17, 2019

Maxi-Cosi Giveaway

UPDATE: @sarahchesney you and your friend won!!!! See your comment below for how to claim your prize!

Are you guys ready for the mother of all stroller’s?!?!?! Ha! I’m not even kidding.

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March 26, 2019

Was Sleep Training Worth it?

Sleep training update! Since we sleep trained Riley when he was four months old, so many of you have either commented on my social posts, DM to me, or emailed me asking how it’s been going! So I thought today would be a good day to give you guys an update on…

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March 22, 2019

Real Mom Revolution and Some Exciting News

So excited about today's blog post because I finally get to share a campaign I’ve been working on with you guys - The REAL Mom Revolution with LALA Yogurt Smoothies! I know you’ve seen me give Molly the smoothies in my Instagram story many mornings (I can’t even…

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