March 19, 2019

Potty Training!

Oh the dreaded potty training! As you guys know we did potty training with Molly a couple weeks ago and soooo many of you ask if I would share my experience, so that is exactly what I'm doing today! To be completely honest with you guys I was really…

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January 4, 2019

Postpartum Depression? Holiday Blues? A Mental Health Check In

Happy New Year!!!! I know I know, I'm a little bit late. As you guys may have noticed, I’ve been pretty MIA both here my blog and social media lately. Honestly I needed a break. I needed to disconnect from the Internet. Unplug and unwind. I originally wanted to because it was…

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December 14, 2018

Celebrating NYE with Your Kids

I know we are still a couple weeks away from New Year’s Eve, but I’ve been thinking about what I can do to make NYE really special and fun for Molly (and Riley of course) this year. It will be the first year that she really understands that we are celebrating a…

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December 11, 2018

Getting a Free Breast Pump Through Insurance

I've talk to you guys a lot about pumping both on my blog and on my social media. It’s something I’m very open about because it’s a huge part of my life that has had high highs and some low lows. Breastfeeding is a challenge plain and simple. I’ve never met a…

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November 16, 2018

Educational Toys for Toddlers

I’m really excited about today’s post! If you saw my Instagram, you know that its sponsored by Moonlite. But honestly, I’m super proud to say that I’m able to work with a brand that I’m so passionate about! I think it’s super cool when my absolute favorite brands want to work with…

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November 12, 2018

The Willow Breast Pump is a Game Changer!!!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED*** The winner of the giveaway is Jacqueline Stevens! Willow will be emailing you shortly to send you your pump! Yay! You are going to love it!

I am so glad you came to my blog today! Today’s blog post is about one of my favorite products ever! And that’s the…

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November 9, 2018

GIVE HAPPY – Taking My Kiddos to My Hometown

I’m not gonna lie, traveling across the country with a toddler and an infant is not easy. But even though it was really challenging, it was TOTALLY WORTH IT! Getting to spend time in my hometown with my family has been the absolute best. I know many of you guys saw my…

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