September 4, 2019

Some of My Kids Favorite Toys

Hey guys! Some of you saw the bounce and spin puppy in this blog post on my Instagram stories and were asking me a ton of questions about it so I’m not only including it in today’s blog post but also adding a few other toys that…

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August 21, 2019

Homemade Lavender Play-Dough!

The other day I was thinking about how even though summer is basically over for most people's kiddos, for those of us with kids under the age of 6, we still have our kids most of the week. Meaning that most children in preschool don't really go five days a week and…

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August 14, 2019

Flower Kids – Molly’s Reading Space

Welcome to Molly's reading nook! Well, hers and Riley’s! But since Riley isn’t reading yet, Molly claims the space! As you guys know, Molly absolutely loves to read. And by read, I mean recite books she's memorized or flip through picture books and talk about what she…

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July 17, 2019

Summer Activities for Toddlers

Anyone else looking for some great summer activities for toddlers? Can you guys believe that it's already mid July? Summer is flying by so quickly! Molly has already had a summer break and is onto the summer program, so I had time to introduce her to some new crafts and projects that…

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July 9, 2019

Molly’s Ice Cream Themed 3rd Birthday

I can’t believe my sweet baby girl is three years old. I know every parent probably feels this way but it’s just so crazy how quickly she’s growing up. I could probably write a novel about how proud I am of her and what an amazing little girl she’s growing into. But…

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June 19, 2019

I Have Help- and GASP, even a Nanny!

You know that saying “behind every great man is a great woman?" - or something like that. I’m honestly terrible with quotes and sayings so I could have it wrong. But I do know the general sentiment is that a successful man can’t do it on his own and he needs a…

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June 13, 2019

Balance? It Doesn’t Exist

I’ve been thinking a lot about balance lately. We hear that term thrown around a lot these days. How do you balance it all? How do you do it all? How are you able to run a website, go to a job, raise two kids, and still look so put together? Well,…

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