May 31, 2019

Riley is ONE! Our Little Man’s Birthday

Oh my gosh you guys. I cannot believe that my little bud is 1! We had such a fun day celebrating with our friends and family! I know I’ve said this before but this year seriously flew by in the blink of an eye. On one hand changing a…

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April 29, 2019

Toddler Attachment to a Toy or Blanket – Mr. Whale

Today’s blog is all about Mr. Whale. That’s right, Molly’s beloved whale has become such a staple in our household that he gets an entire blog dedicated just to him! Ha! My husband Kevin even co-hosts a radio…

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March 19, 2019

Potty Training!

Oh the dreaded potty training! As you guys know we did potty training with Molly a couple weeks ago and soooo many of you ask if I would share my experience, so that is exactly what I'm doing today! To be completely honest with you guys I was really…

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December 14, 2018

Celebrating NYE with Your Kids

I know we are still a couple weeks away from New Year’s Eve, but I’ve been thinking about what I can do to make NYE really special and fun for Molly (and Riley of course) this year. It will be the first year that she really understands that we are celebrating a…

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November 16, 2018

Educational Toys for Toddlers

I’m really excited about today’s post! If you saw my Instagram, you know that its sponsored by Moonlite. But honestly, I’m super proud to say that I’m able to work with a brand that I’m so passionate about! I think it’s super cool when my absolute favorite brands want to work with…

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October 31, 2018

Disciplining Your Toddler on Big Days

Hi guys. Happy Halloween! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my poll about my daughter Molly today. She had a really really rough morning. Talking back, hitting, demanding things, screaming - for long periods of time, etc... It was honestly probably one of her worst…
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August 23, 2018

Two Kids 2 and Under – The first 3 months

Riley turns 3 months tomorrow so I thought now would be a good time to fill you guys in on what being a mom to two kiddos, two and under, has been like for me. To say it’s been hard is a gross understatement. I never in a million years could’ve realized…

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