My Favorite Recipes
May 22, 2019

Gorgeous + Healthy Farro Bowl for You and the Kiddos

I just realized that I haven't posted a recipe in a little while, and after making this recently, I knew that it was SOO good that I needed to share it! My favorites recipes are one's that not only taste delicious, but have healthy ingredients, and MAJOR points if…

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My Favorite Recipes
March 3, 2019

Mini Vegetarian Potato Skins

This is one of my favorite recipes! I can't wait for you guys to try these! They are the BEST!!!! And sooooo easy to make! I make them all the time and people always gobble them up!

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My Favorite Recipes
January 31, 2019

Sweet Potato Fajitas – Ingredients to Feed Yourself and Your Kiddos

You guys have probably noticed from the recipes I write about that I absolutely love to cook with sweet potato! I just think it’s one of the most perfect foods to cook with when you have young kiddos. First, Molly absolutely loves it! She not only loves it cooked but she even…

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My Favorite Recipes
October 19, 2018

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Tacos

I never met a taco I didn’t like! Ha! And these are no exception. What I love the most about these tacos is that they’re filled with ingredients that Molly really loves, so when I make them for me and Kevin, Molly gobbles them up too! I wish I could take credit…

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My Favorite Recipes
September 3, 2018

Strawberry Avocado Toast

The fam and I went to the farmers market yesterday and got fresh avocado and strawberries so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make one of my favorite avocado toasts! And since it’s so simple to make, I thought I would throw the ingredients up on my blog so you…

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My Favorite Recipes
June 27, 2018

Healthy Flatbread for Mom, Dad and the Kiddos!

Hey guys! I’m really excited to share today’s recipe because I think it’s such a great option for families. I never met a pizza or flatbread I didn’t like and this one is no exception! Plus, it’s pretty healthy since it’s loaded with yellow squash and pinenuts.


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My Favorite Recipes
April 28, 2018

Sweet Potato Pitas

It’s been a while since I’ve shared one of my favorite recipes with you guys, so I figured I would today! These harissa sweet potato pita pockets are ridiculously good! Honestly, I could eat them every single day and not get sick of them. And they’re really healthy for you too! Well, there is…

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